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Resilience refers to the ability of a building to withstand shocks. This means that the building must be able to withstand and adapt to the threats it may face, while at the same time having the capacity to preserve and restore the essential functions of the building during these shocks. Climatic hazards are risks to which the building sector is particularly exposed and which must therefore be taken into account. Therefore, adaptation and mitigation to climate change are essential to improve the resilience of buildings and more broadly of our human societies to the climate emergency. 


The second part of the 6th IPCC report is clear: we must act now to (1) limit the effects of climate change on ecosystems and human societies (2) adapt our societies to the effects of climate change now and in the future. Indeed, this last part of the report underlined the importance of measures to adapt to climate change in order to limit its impacts on human societies and ecosystems, even if certain consequences are currently unavoidable.

Changement climatique.webp

The building sector is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Heat waves, droughts, clay shrinkage, rainfall and floods, forest fires, strong winds, marine submersions or extreme cold are all natural hazards that affect a territory and its buildings. These climatic hazards will increase in frequency and intensity, and increasingly threaten the physical integrity of buildings


R4RE, by proposing a section on climate risk analysis, allows you to diagnose the risks and resilience of your assets. Furthermore, on this subject, the OID has published a guide to adaptive actions to climate change (available only in French)

Guide des actions adaptatives.PNG


Biodiversity experts, gathered within the IPBES, identify five pressures responsible for the collapse of life and the degradation of ecosystems: change in land use, overexploitation of resources, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species (Consult the booklet "Biodiversity, Cities and Real Estate of the OID, 2022 ). Real estate activities play an active part in all of these pressures.

To limit its impacts, the building sector can position itself on two axes: ensure that buildings are constructed that have the least possible impact on biodiversity and natural spaces (densification, land sobriety, sustainable value chain, etc.) and improve permeability to living from existing buildings. 

R4RE, with its biodiversity risk analysis component, allows you to make a diagnosis of the biodiversity issues of your assets. Furthermore, on this subject, the OID has published adeciphering the risks related to biodiversity in real estate.

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